Comunicano’s Track Record for Successfully Positioning Companies

Through strategic positioning, compelling brand development and aggressive reputation development, 60 Comunicano clients have either successfully IPO’d or been acquired for significant multiples totaling over $9.4 billion dollars. It’s not only the amount, it’s the who including: eBay, Yahoo, VISA, CA, Cisco, Google, Citrix, Intel, IBM, GoDaddy, Logitech, CA, RIM, Blackberry, Symantec, T-Mobile, Vonage and Dolby, to name a few.

Along the way we’ve crafted their story, renamed businesses, launched companies, taken some from three guys with an idea to exit, rebranded them, but most of all, we’ve made them known by the people who matter-customers, their ecosystem, and future acquirers and investors.

Here’s the full list: